The Lord has done so many amazing things, obvious and hidden, every step of the way. From the beginning of how He joined the leadership together, the progression of His direction to Mbale, the purchasing of the land, & construction of our buildings - all the protection, detail after detail of provision in all areas…. The Lord has done it ALL and to Him be ALL the Glory! (Revelation 4)
What amazing things He gets accomplished!
God is drawing the multitudes to the Light of His Glory-His Holiness. We are to be that lighthouse to The Nations. It’s time to fill our oil lamps and allow the overflow to spill out on the hard soil until it becomes lush, rich and fertile and all nation tribe and tongue is walking in the bountifulness of Christ Jesus. He is erupting His Love throughout all the earth, bringing all things back to its original design & divine order and making room for Love that we were made for.
Uganda is a...
beautiful & graceful land/country/people, ready and willing to pour out the Father’s Heart. The journey for this expansion of Wings began in 2012 and has grown exponentially over time. By the Lord’s Hand, our NGO was established in July 2016 as Wings of Uganda. We are working in many areas, with Mbale being our home base where land has been purchased, along with the beginning stages of the building process.
Jenga, a Christian Organization existing in Uganda since 2005, is also located in Mbale- who Wings of Uganda will be partnered & working closely with to bring the fullness of His Kingdom to this region. Structuring a House for Him of 24/7 prayer & worship for the Nations; hosting His Presence, being a place to rest, encounter, healing, and equipping. Mbale is a city of Refuge and we will join the Lord in all that He is preparing. The Land, the hearts are crying out Abba; the fathers and mothers are awake and are awakening.

Uganda Development
Arise & Shine... for your light has come!
God is drawing the multitudes to the Light of His Glory-His Holiness. We are to be that lighthouse to The Nations. It’s time to fill our oil lamps and allow the overflow to spill out on the hard soil making it lush, rich and fertile... until every nation, tribe and tongue is walking in the bountifulness of Christ Jesus. He is erupting His Love throughout all the earth, bringing all things back to its original design & divine order and making room for Love, Jesus, Who we were made for.
Support Wings of Refuge Uganda
A loving, safe place for ALL to find healing, rest, become equipped and then sent out! Appropriating the Fullness of the Cross… Bringing the Love of Jesus to every tribe, tongue and nation. Mbale is our Home-base of operations throughout Africa and the Middle East.
Contribute to Our Partner in Uganda
If you would like to donate to Jenga's work in Uganda, click below.